St. Mary’s Glacier

St. Mary’s Glacier has been on our list of places to see since we’ve moved to Colorado, but for some reason it has taken us over three years to finally make it happen. Our summer has been pretty low key, so we wanted a relatively easy hike. This trail is just under 1.5 miles roundtrip, and located about an hour away from us near Idaho Springs.

It is a pretty popular trail, so we headed up early in the morning. The trail itself was very, very rocky. But it led to an incredibly scenic spot tucked away in the mountains. The glacier sat above a gorgeous lake – that David quickly discovered was full of fish. He caught a trout on his first cast! 

On our hike back we had to take cover under some trees as a light rain shower transformed into pea size hail! It reminded us how wild and unpredictable Colorado can be. Luckily the hail stopped after a few minutes, but the rain followed us to Idaho Springs where we grabbed lunch before heading back home.

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