Our Week

A much needed drive to the mountains

The New Year got off to a slightly slow start. We’ve been laying low for the past month due to Dave’s injury, doing our best to keep busy; he dove into work at his new job, and I sorted through photos from our desert road trip. By mid-January Dave finally started feeling better, and the first thing he wanted to do was drive to the mountains and eat at our favorite breakfast spot in Nederland. So we braved the snow flurries for egg sandwiches and scones!  

On a side note, the weather has been absolutely bizarre lately. Last week it got up to 70 degrees! The geese were having a blast at the lake, splashing around in the water and sun bathing on the ice. Fast forward to last Sunday and a mild blizzard came through dumping over 5 inches on us. But the snow didn’t stick around long, a couple days later it was sunny and back in the 50’s. Definitely not a typical January in Colorado!

Homemade rosemary bread

Geese sunbathing on the frozen lake

Afternoon tea at the Brown Palace 

Some of my birthday goodies

Biscuits wondering where are his blueberry pancakes 

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