Our 2021

Happy New Year! As I’m sure with everyone else’s year, our 2021 was a bit of a roller coaster. Still having to navigate a global pandemic while trying to maintain some sort of normalcy. Here’s our reflection of 2021.


Dave and I continued to get outside; it’s a large part of what kept us sane. Along with disc golf and neighborhood walks, we tried to get out on our bikes a little more too.


I have a new nephew! My sister fosters for a senior dog rescue, and ended up adopting one of them. His name is Guinness, and he is just the cutest.


I got to spend an entire weekend last summer adventuring with my sister! We hiked, saw buffalo, and during a game of disc golf… accidentally threw Dave’s favorite disc into a drainage ditch.


This was probably the most unbelievable thing that happened to us – we saw a tornado! It formed out in the plains about 30 miles from us. Thankfully no one was injured.


Our community went through some difficult times in 2021. In March our town experienced a horrible mass shooting at a grocery store, where sadly ten people’s lives were lost. And in December, a wildfire rapidly swept through the prairie, destroying over 900 homes before stopping within miles from ours. Dave and I are still in a bit of shock. We had our car packed up, with live coverage of the fire’s progress on the TV; all we could do was wait and see if we got an evacuation notice. We are so grateful to still have our home, but our hearts are broken for the hundreds of families that don’t. Fortunately our amazing community and local businesses have rallied together to help those who lost everything, and we are doing anything we can to support them.


A turning point in our summer was trading in our R-Pod for a truck camper. It enabled us to go on farther camping trips, while also being completely self-contained and Covid safe. I didn’t post much about our summer adventures (yet!)… but we have some pretty exciting things in the mix that may involve a new social outlet for us!


While this isn’t the most flattering photo, it’s definitely an impactful one for me. Two months ago I found out I had skin cancer. Fortunately I was able to have both spots surgically removed, but I’m still on the mend and healing. Please use this as a PSA to get annual body scans at your dermatologist.

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