Camping in the Rockies

Over the weekend, David and I made a spontaneous decision to go camping. We drove to the mountains without a reservation, in high hopes of snagging a walk-up site. Our first choice was Camp Dick, located in a beautiful tree-filled valley about 30 minutes north of Nedarland. We were relieved to find a few spots still open, so we picked #37 and set up camp for the night. 

We took Biscuits for a short walk to the creek, where he waded in the shallow water as David fished upstream. We didn’t exactly rough it for dinner; David cooked steak, potatoes and broccoli over the campfire. Then we just relaxed. No phones. No electronics. We simply enjoyed being outside.

I couldn’t go to bed without doing my favorite part of camping – roasting marshmallows and making s’mores! We finished up just in the knick of time – as soon as we settled into our sleeping bags it started to rain! It ended up raining off and on the entire night, which only made it even more cozy inside our tent. When there was a break in the storm, we took Biscuits for a potty break and were completely enamored when we looked up at the sky. There were so many stars! We gazed until we couldn’t take the cold, and went back to bed. 

The next morning, David made coffee over our small camping stove as we packed up the car. We headed into Nedarland for breakfast; we ate at a new restaurant we had discovered a few weekends ago. Their coffee, scones and breakfast sandwich were so incredibly good. I swear I could eat it every single day… my only wish was that it wasn’t 45 minutes away from where we lived!

We took a long, scenic route back home, driving through glowing yellow aspens and wide open meadows. We then hit thick fog, that brought us back to our vacation in the Pacific NW. We made it into Boulder around noon, where it was still cloudy and only 55 degrees! Fall was finally making its way to the plains. 

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