Old Fall River Road


Old Fall River Road was one of the highlights of our anniversary trip to Rocky Mountain in 2013. The road was actually the first route through the park offering access to the high country before it was replaced by Trail Ridge Road. Now it’s a quiet 11-mile dirt road through the heart of the backcountry, ending at the Alpine Visitor Center. It was closed last year due to the flood, but reopened a few months ago – and we couldn’t wait to drive it again!

The road begins near the Alluvial Fan, winding through tall aspen trees before starting its climb in elevation. Chasm Falls was our first stop – a short downhill path led to the charming 25-foot waterfall. We also pulled over at a wide, v-shaped canyon and hiked the trail that meandered through the woods and along the river. David and I then explored Willow Park, the vast landscape below the visitor center and a favorite spot for elk to feed on the foliage. We walked along the river, taking photos of the colorful wildflowers that were in full bloom.


After a few switchbacks, the road enters the alpine tundra. We parked near a small lake, and gazed at the expansive views to the north. Being out in the open, without the shield of any trees, David and I were getting blasted by the cold wind. We warmed up in the visitor center, grabbed some snacks and headed for Coyote Valley with the hope of seeing some moose. While there were no animal sightings, the trail leading through the endless green meadow beside the Colorado River was gorgeous. And the light hitting the mountains was just amazing.


We continued on to Grand Lake where David and I finally ate lunch at the Grand Lake Lodge, something we’ve been putting off for years. We were seated right by the window overlooking the lake and the colorful sailboats gliding through the water. We couldn’t leave without going outside and sitting on the front porch swing. It felt like déjà vu – a few years ago we were visiting from Georgia, sitting in the same spot, talking about how to make Colorado our next home. Who knew one year later it would actually happen!


On the way back home, we saw a mama and baby moose grazing in a nearby meadow. We sat and watched them all afternoon. The mother was grazing while the baby was having the time of its life kicking and running around in circles off in the distance. We also saw a couple big horn sheep high in the tundra, and a sleepy bear by the entrance of the park. I don’t think this day could have gone any better.


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